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January Update
Posted by Aleksandr on Monday 15th January 2007

New Map Releases

Dimension Studios is releasing two new maps - fy_duo and de_meat. Those of you who have been viewing our past updates are probably already familiar with the name fy_duo. Now you are able to download the finished version of the latest map by Nay0r. As all of Dimension Studios releases, the map includes a tuned nav file for ultimate NPC performance. fy_duo

For many of you a release of de_meat may be surprising. We have kept all the development information regarding this map classified, up until today, the day of its public release. The map was done exclusively for the MH Clan, but is now available for public download. The story and setting behind the map give it its peculiar name. Visit the map's page to get more info about it. de_meat

Enjoy the maps and be sure to leave us some feedback

Upcoming Map Releases

During the month of February, and early in March, we plan to release a number of new CS:S maps for your enjoyment. I have chosen a few highlights out of them to provide you with a sneak of what is going on behind the doors of the DS team.

We showed off a work in progress preview of de_alps in our last update. Since then the map underwent major changes and was restructured. Our senior level designer, Aldez, who is working on this map, has practically redone it from scratch, giving it a fresher look and a more thought-out gameplay. Currently the map is nearing its internal alpha release, as the Dimension Studios team eagerly waits to have some fun testing it.

Our other senior level designer, Nay0r will also be coming out with his map very soon. Nay0r has been working on cs_central for the past several months, while we have all watched map's setting, atmosphere, and ambience transform and take different shapes. Recently Nay0r showed us what he said would be the final environment of the map, and I am passing on this sneak preview to you.

To conclude this walk-through of the current WIPs behind the doors of Dimension Studios I would like to show you "cs_classified" by Apfe_Lsaft. This map is done by the request of our client, Kbu Clan, and features classic CS:S gameplay in a unique environment. Apfe_Lsaft managed to merge the setting of a secret laboratory with the atmosphere of abandonment and desolation. The map justifies the statement "Don't judge the inside by the outside" and I hope the following preview proves that.

Winter 2006 Source Mapping Contest Is Over

The Winter Mapping Contest held by Dimension Studios is now over and its time to announce the results. There have been some complications regarding judging, enforcement of the rules, and ensuring the availability of the prizes because the official contest sponsor, Leader of the TsM clan, violated his agreement with us and discontinued the sponsorship, which caused a delay in this announcement. However, we are now happy to state that all the problems have been resolved and the contest will be finished according to its official rules. And here are the winners of the contest!

First place:
Goes to Aldéz with his map de_xmasmess. Its worth noting that this is not the first time Aldez takes away the first place prize; a first place winner of the Summer 2006 Source Mapping contest, Aldez stays the champion.

Second place:
Goes to Heyo with his map de_winterwonderland. These two maps were holding a very close race for the first place as the judges awarded each map its points. Ultimately de_xmasmess prevailed in originality and gameplay categories, while the judges agreed that de_winterwonderland had superior visuals.

Seigneur des Ombres's map De_Dark_Sanctuary_cn definitely should be mentioned as well. Even though it did not make the prize, the map's visuals and originality are very impressive. We welcome everybody to visit the contest area and view all the submissions in greater detail. Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who participated or contributed to the contest.

November Update
Posted by Aleksandr on Monday 13th November 2006

Winter 2006 Source Mapping Contest Launched

Together with our sponsor and affiliate Team McGill [TsM] CS:S clan Dimension Studios is launching our Winter 2006 Source Mapping Contest. Starting today, Monday, November 13th, 2006 Source mappers can enter the contest for free to win up to $150! The map submissions for the contest must be playable in CS:S and have a holiday theme in the spirit of the upcoming winter holidays. The contest ends on Christmas, December 25th, 2006 and the winners will be announced on January 1st, 2007 - the New Year!

Monetary awards will be sent via Paypal to the winners!

1st Place: $100.00
2nd Place: $50.00
3rd Place: $25.00
Additionally a vote will be taken from average CSS players to decide the winner of the Most Popular Award and a prize of: $50

There is no reason not to compete!
Please review the contest rules and feel free to be one of the first people to join!

"Merry Competing"
- Icepick

Cs_assault_ds and Cs_wolfenstein Updates

Peter Calvert, the administrator of the Barndoor's CSS Nav Files website has volunteered to spend some time on fine tuning the navigrational files for bots in cs_assault_ds and cs_wolfenstein. As a result the bot and hostage performance in the maps has greatly improved.

Please redownload the maps to get the latest version of the files and to judge the improvements for yourself.

"Excellent, enough said, the community lacks people like these."
- Nay0r

Work in Progress Sneak Peaks

Its time to unwrap the highlights of the current map production at Dimension Studios! We have prepared sneak peaks of two maps by our senior level designers Nay0r and Aldez that will soon be rolling out for the general public.

First, coming to public release this month is Nay0r's map fy_duo. Using a similar setting as his previous map, cs_wolfenstein, nay0r has created an fy/aim CS:S map consisting of 2 islands - hence the name fy_duo. The map is currently in its internal beta testing stage and will soon be available for public download.

Following the release of fy_duo we will be releasing another great map - de_alps later this winter. Created by the first place winner of the Summer 2006 Source Mapping Competition, Aldez, de_alps is set in the remoteness of an abandoned mining camp. The map is still in very early stages of development, nevertheless we took a screenshot from the latest compilation to showcase the atmosphere and setting.

Aleksandr: "...that slope the truck is standing on seems too steep. I am not sure if the truck's brakes would hold. "
Icepick: "now that is just pathetic "

Dimension Studios Mod And Dev Team Call-Out

We would like to remind all the mod and dev team leaders and members reading this about the Dimension Studios mod friendly policy. Over the past few months we were forced to deny our help to a few mod teams because all out level designers were already tied up in on going projects. However, now things have changed. A number of new level designers have joined Dimension Studios and others have finished their previous projects and we are ready to provide assistance to any mod or dev team in need of help in accordance to our Mod Friendly Policy. Feel free to e-mail if you would like to learn more details about this policy. We will be glad to cooperate whenever possible.

Please remember that in order to receive assistance from our team on your project, you must supply us with detail concept art and info about your level, as well as show active interest in your requests' projects. We are simply offering to help your team, not to replace it.

Zombie Mod Mapping Contest at Hiven Gaming!
Our partners, Hiven Gaming Clan is holding a mapping contest for the zombie mod. Prizes will be awarded. Be sure to check out the details here.

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